Progressive Librarians Guild
radical views on library & info issues

PLG Resolution on Fossil Fuel Cos.


PLG Resolution on Divestment of Holdings in Fossil Fuel Companies and Libraries' Role in a Peaceful Transition to a Fossil-Fuel-Free Economy

Whereas the Progressive Librarians Guild recognizes climate change as a serious problem for humanity and the planet;

Whereas in light of alarming evidence of the extent anthropogenic CO2 emissions are having on climate change, the organization has launched a divestment campaign, supported by individuals such as Bishop Desmond Tutu, economist Naomi Klein, and activist Van Jones, prompting municipalities and institutions of higher learning across the country to divest holdings in fossil fuel industries;

Whereas precedence regarding divestment can be found in the 1980s campaign against South African apartheid when divestment and boycotts were used as tools for non-violent political change;

Whereas global climate change and resource depletion is prompting military authorities to prepare for inevitable social instability, which in the U.S. will likely be exacerbated by a culture of violence and racism unless steps are taken to address and mitigate these tendencies;

Whereas libraries and communities have witnessed the impacts of climate change in the form of increasingly powerful floods, hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, agricultural damage, and rising sea-levels;

Whereas organizations representing many institutional investors have called on governments to "develop workable frameworks that will reduce climate risk and support low carbon investment"; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Progressive Librarians Guild:

1. encourages PLG members to work within their workplaces and communities to join the fossil fuel divestment movement and

2. to begin community conversations about what will be necessary to ensure a peaceful transition to fossil-fuel-free economy.

Approved by PLG members, 30 June 2013, Chicago